If you have a business that deals with cash, then it’s likely that you’ll already have a safe – and if you don’t have one, talk to us. 24 Hour Locksmith Fairfield CT supply and install a wide range of security safes for businesses.
But safes aren’t just for business, they can also be invaluable in the home. Most homes have some very valuable items in them, although you might not think so. Items such as passports, original birth certificates or jewellery. If this is the case for you, have a think about installing an anti-theft safe.
Safe Installation and Repair in Fairfield, CT
At 24 Hour Locksmith Fairfield CT we’ve been dealing in and dealing with safes for many years – in both commercial and residential environments. There are a lot of different safes on the market and each has their strengths and weaknesses.
24 Hour Locksmith Fairfield CT technicians can advise you on the best security safe to match your requirements. We can supply it and install it – it will help bring your home insurance premium down, that’s for certain. We also offer an after sales service, a safe maintenance service, safe relocation and removal services.
Our range of security safe services:
- Safe installations
- Safe removals and relocations
- Repairing safes
- Opening security safes
- Disposing of safes (safely!)
For More Information, Call Us Now : 203-779-6670 – Don’t Wait Anymore!